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The Washington Township Board of Trustees met in Regular Session on February 9, 2009, at 7:30 p.m. at <br />the Washington Township Government Center, 8200 McEwen Road. President Snyder opened the meeting <br />and led the Pledge of Allegiance. <br />FISCAL OFFICER'S BUSINESS <br />Year -to -Date Income /Expense Report <br />The Trustees have requested that a Year -to -Date Income /Expense Report be presented on a monthly basis <br />As of January 30, 2009, Washington Township has collected from all funds $2,034,234.20 and has <br />dispersed in all funds $1,509,837.73, for a positive cash carryover of $524,396.47. <br />ED /GE Payment <br />Since the early 1990's, Washington Township has participated in the Montgomery County Economic <br />Development and Government Equity Program (ED /GE). The program requires those communities <br />experiencing economic growth to share a portion of that growth with communities that are less fortunate. <br />This is accomplished through the Government Equity Formula. The Finance Director has reviewed the <br />annual update from Montgomery County's Office of Management and Budget and finds the numbers agree <br />with the contract. This year's payment for Washington Township is $20,577. The Township will receive <br />these funds back from the County at the end of the three -year settlement period. The ED /GE payment is <br />due April 15. <br />It was moved by Mrs. Young, seconded by Mr. Berry, that the Board authorizes the 2009 ED /GE payment <br />to Montgomery County Commissioners in the amount of $20,577. <br />Vote on Motion: Young, aye; Berry, aye: Snyder, aye. M2009 -070 <br />On -line Auction Items <br />In 2007 the Trustees approved a resolution authorizing the sale of unneeded and obsolete Township <br />property through internet auction via a contract with Montgomery County, Ohio, for the facilitation of the <br />internet auctions. The Ohio Revised Code requires the Trustees to approve their intent to sell obsolete and <br />unneeded items by internet auction each year. <br />It was moved by Mrs. Young, seconded by Mr. Berry, that the Board approves a Resolution of Intent to <br />conduct internet auctions for the sale of unneeded, obsolete or unfit Township property and contracting <br />with Montgomery County, Ohio, for the facilitation of the internet auctions. <br />Vote on Motion: Young, aye; Berry, aye: Snyder, aye. R2009 -002 <br />Surplus Property <br />There are surplus items currently being stored throughout the Township. They are not needed for public <br />use, are obsolete, or are unfit for the use for which they were acquired. Staff is recommending approval of <br />the items for auction, with the auction being online through the contract Washington Township has with <br />Montgomery County, using Gov Deals to sell the items. <br />02/09/09 <br />