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WORKSHOP <br />February 14, 2005 <br />6:30 P.M. <br />ATTENDANCE: <br />ELECTED OFFICIALS: Lee Snyder, Joyce Young, & Terry Blair <br />STAFF: Gary Huff, Tom Toberen, Tom Toberen, Ken Parks, & Mike <br />Barlow <br />ABSENT: Tom Zobrist <br />I. EMS Charges <br />Washington Township is the only jurisdiction in the area that does not charge for <br />EMS runs. Chief Parks led a discussion about charging non - residents only. Non- <br />residents account for about 25 percent of all calls. Charging non - residents would <br />generate approximately $500,000.00 per year. The Township's cost from the third <br />party company who would do the billing and collecting would be about six percent of <br />the amount collected. Our law director, Bob Surdyk is reviewing a proposed <br />contract. <br />II. 2004 Street Improvement Program <br />Tom Toberen led a discussion of overruns on last year's street improvement <br />program. <br />III. Hithergreen <br />Gary Huff led a discussion on the replacement of a commercial freezer and <br />refrigerator at Hithergreen. The current freezer and refrigerator is over 30 years old <br />and is constantly needing maintenance. <br />IV. Levin Porter <br />It was decided that Levin Porter would be asked to make a presentation about <br />remodeling the cinema building. <br />V. Letter to the Editor <br />A reply was discussed for a recent Letter to the Editor that appeared in the <br />newspaper. <br />VI. Joint Meeting <br />The agenda for the joint meeting with the City of Centerville that is scheduled for <br />8:00 p.m. on February 14th was discussed. <br />VII. Other <br />Mrs. Young discussed having an outside company review Washington Township's <br />evaluation system and train supervisory personnel. <br />