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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS MINUTES <br />August 24, 2009 <br /> <br />The Washington Township Board of Zoning Appeals met in regular session on Aug 24, 2009 in the <br />Meeting Room of Washington Township Government Center. Members of the Board present were Mr. <br />Horine, Mrs. Fish, Mr. Schwartz, and Mrs. Mulligan. Mr. Roberts was excused. <br />Call to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />Mr. Horine explained the hearing format and voting procedure. <br />The Oath was administered by Mr. Horine. <br />Zoning Case A-1583: Matthew and Lisa Stillwell, 880 West Whipp Road <br />Request under Article 2, Section 3; a variance in Article 7, Section 4 (B) of the Washington Township <br />Zoning Resolution to encroach into the front yard setback approximately three fee (3’) to allow for a <br />room addition (3’2” x 72”) on an existing foundation to a home located in a Residential (R-4 Zoning <br />District). <br />James Wahl, Zoning Manager presented the case going through slide show explaining the request. <br />Mr. Horine- What is the required setback and the setback distance of the existing shed? <br />Mr. Wahl – The required setback is 50 feet and the site plan shows a setback of 47 feet. <br />Mr. Horine– Would the applicant likes to make any comments? <br />David Beyerle , DT Design, 9 W. Franklin St Centerville - Applicant has hired me to help with proposed <br />upgrade to home. Expansion of master bedroom results in this encroachment into required front yard. <br />This remodel will address the needs of the owner and increase the property value. <br />Mr. Horine – What is the roof style? <br />Mr. Beyerle - This will be a gabled roof. <br />Mr. Horine - There will be no windows because it’s a walk in closet? <br />Mr. Beyerle – Correct. <br />Mr. Horine - Are you using stone to match the existing materials? <br /> <br />