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<br /> <br /> <br />WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS MINUTES <br />July 13, 2009 <br />The Washington Township Board of Zoning Appeals met in regular session on July 13, 2009 in the <br />Meeting Room of Washington Township Government Center. Members of the Board present were Mr. <br />Horine, Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Roberts. Mrs. Mulligan and Mrs. Fish were excused. <br />Call to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />Mr. Horine explained the hearing format and voting procedure. <br />The Oath was administered by Mr. Horine. <br />MOTION <br />– Mr. Schwartz moved the approval of the June 22, 2009 meeting minutes with one change <br />noted. Mr. Roberts seconded. <br />VOTE <br />- Mr. Horine, yes; Mr. Schwartz, yes; Mr. Roberts, yes. <br /> <br />Case A-1580 CFM Land Investment, LLC (Frickers) <br />Request for variances to: 1) allow outdoor dining, and 2) allow off-site parking in a Planned Development <br />Business (PD-B) zoning district. <br />Jo Scott, Deputy Administrator presented the case. <br />April Baker, 3313 Montpelier, Kettering, Ohio represented the applicant. The patio would include 24 <br />seats. She noted that 6 inside seats would be lost due to floor plan modifications in conjunction with <br />access to the patio resulting in an overall gain of 18 seats. <br /> <br />